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The JR Jones Memorial Fund Inc.

What do we do?

With the JR Jones Memorial Fund, we collect donations to provide shoes and clothing for kids in need. 100% of donations are used for charity. ALL of our help on is a volunteer basis. Though the majority of donations are given out at Christmas time, we also provide shoes year-round at certain schools and as needed for emergencies such as Hurricane Ian.

As of March 2024, we have donated:

* over 1,800 pairs of shoes
189 sets of clothes
* fed over 61 families
* sponsored 2 local traveling basketball teams
* "Respect" backpacks for the Mariner High Boys Basketball team
* "Respect"
backpacks for the Cape Coral High School Girls Basketball team
* 50 backpacks full of school supplies each year
* Weight bench to Cape Coral High School
* raised $10,000 for the opening of Cape Coral Animal Shelter in 2020

With help from sponsors, we helped hand out over 300 toys in December 2023 to local children.

Wrapped Shoes_edited.jpg

Who was JR Jones? 

JR Jones was a Cape Coral High School graduate who enjoyed working with local youth. He spent much of his time coaching Junior Varsity and Varsity basketball teams at Mariner High School.

JR was a person who would "give the shoes off of his feet". One day, at a Mariner High School basketball tryout, he did just that. A kid showed up to tryouts and JR noticed the kid did not have on basketball shoes. JR pulled him to the side and asked where his shoes were. The kid looked down at the ground and said, "Coach, these are the only pair of shoes I own." JR immediately kicked off his own shoes and said, "Here you go. Now you have another pair of shoes."

On October 1st, 2018, JR passed away in a distracted driving accident. Family and friends created the "JR Jones Memorial Fund" to help his legend live on. JR's basketball jersey #10 and the word "Respect" are used in his memory.


Respect #10

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